
16 Days of New Things ~ Day 2

If you missed Day 1, check it out here. There were some wonderful contributions over there.

Oh yeah, here we are at Day 2 of my "16 Days of New Things" series, and if you are reading this on my site then you can see the new thing I learned last night. That's right, I made this layout all by myself. I wanted to try my hand at my own web design, and my goal was to start it next year. However last night, I was just in the mood, and it did not take me long at all. A few googled words and phrases, along with still a few kinks to figure out, and viola! My new layout.

I made the graphic in Photoshop (by the way click that link and you can see my other Photoshop art) a few days ago, and then decided to go with a simple plain colored background. I am still not sure about how I like how the colors mesh. What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.

Now your turn, what is something new you have learned today? Or do you have something that you know about that you would like to share with others?


  1. I think you did a fabulous job. It only took you a little while to do this? It would have taken me days.

  2. Thanx Renée. Yeah it only took me about an hour to put it all together. It doesn't take me much to self learn, I just have to have the time, energy, and drive and I can do just about anything.

  3. Good job, Mel! Looks great!I'm working on a site of my own and always get intimidated, so I commend you on jumping in!

  4. Thanx again Teresa! Your compliments are really making my day. Haha.
