
Okay, in the coming days of possible scrutiny of mom bloggers, I have decided to be a bit professional with my weblog and write this disclaimer.


This is a weblog, in case you needed reminding. It is my personal weblog that contains my personal views and opinions. As such, all its content is subject to edits, reviews, and deletion by myself.

 I am not employed by any company at the moment for my writings. I, more to the point, am an independent contractor in many industries for multiple companies, and reserve the right to provide my time, energy, content, and opinion to any company of my choice at any time.

 I reserve the right to change at any time.

I left that vague to cover anything that I may change, including but not limited to: my opinion, my look, my likes and dislikes, my work, my friends, my profiles, my sites, my links, etc etc etc. as they are all MY right to change at MY discretion.


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