
What is my niche?

So, it has been pointed out that I don't really have a niche on this blog, or at least one is not directly referenced anywhere. Well, yes, you caught me. As I have said before, I am a new blogger. I am trying to find my niche, my way, and grow a readership while I am at it. I have been following JessicaKnows' 15 days of Marketing, which started out easy but then I got stuck.

Being so new, I don't have any contacts and barely any tweeps that I keep a consistent daily banter with. I sort of jump into conversations very unannounced and often very unappreciated. Yes, that is making me feel insecure, unwelcome, and unmotivated to keep going. However, I just keep at it and hope that I will find my niche.

I have also read in so many places that the best way to receive feedback for how you are doing is to ask. Well, correct me if I am wrong, but I have been asking. I am practically blue in the face over it. And what do I have to show for all the questions I shovel out on a daily basis? Zippo! Am I asking the wrong questions to the wrong crowd? Or am I just being too overexcited with this whole blogging thing? Perhaps it is not for me. Well, back to the first issue, what is my blog about?

Well, I am a mom. I love to write, surf the Internet, read, play video games or computer games, learn new things, and all the while develop myself into a better person. I am here to share my journey, my experiences, and my discoveries.

I am also here to offer a hand or ear or anything else needed to others in my place or similar. I have always known what it is like to suddenly be thrust into a new area with no one beside you. I was a Marine brat (kid) for my whole childhood. I moved every two or three years to a new state, and was forced to make new friends, learn new cultures, and keep learning and growing while I was at it.

For better or worse, that was my life and it made me who I am. So, there... I am not sure what that makes me, because I do not think I am as clever as most in this blogging spectrum. I guess I will just keep reaching out and growing, and possibly just find out what I can offer to others.


  1. I understand your frustrations. I often feel like I'm tweeting and blogging into the ethers. But, I do occasionally get responses so I know it's not totally for naught. It's hard when you're new to something but hang in there and you'll figure out what direction to take :)

  2. Hey thanx for the encouragement darkfairymomma. It's been awhile since I've seen you around. LOL. How have you been? Well, tweet me some time.

  3. I feel like your blog is my subconcious crying out! I've been blogging for a while, but I have no niche. I have no tagline. I just blog to keep family updated, but I do yearn to take it to the next step. I'm not following you on Twitter too :)

  4. Hey Brooke. I will have to check out your blog. My family isn't at all Internet savvy, all they use is email, and just the basics. So, I can't even talk to them about my blogs or other project online. They just wouldn't understand. I like to hide from their criticism, and just be myself on here.

    BTW Are you on Twitter? Follow me and I'll follow back.

  5. Just keep forging ahead. I'm fairly new to blogging too, but I just poke myself in wherever I can and, like you, I'm building a following - without a niche. It's ok!

    Suggestion for a tagline: A mom without a niche! or Non-niche Mama! LOL

  6. LOL I love that Dana! Excellent idea. I may just use that. Thanks a bunch.
